Today I want to talk about forgiveness especially on the
home-front. Your home is a place of rest, a place of refuge, your sanctuary. The home is where lives are built, encouraged, and loved and when we make mistakes, we get second chances (and third, fourth and fifth, chances) to get it right!
It is the place whereby
character is built. The home is where integrity is taught and forgiveness is displayed.
Your role as a mother training her child is critical. Think about how many times you have to repeat
yourself to your children when they are young; you want to lose your patience!
Forgiveness is so critical because it shows what our characters are made of. When we say to our spouse or
our children, I’m sorry, please forgive me; we are showing and teaching them that
we too are human. It helps to build
trust as well. More importantly we are
teaching our children principles for living that will carry them for rest of
their life.
How many people can you think of that are still not speaking
to each other because they failed to forgive?
When we choose to forgive, we release that person, we
release that offense. The scriptures
clearly states that you need to forgive so that nothing will hinder your
prayers. (1Peter 3:7 and Mark 11:25)
make the choice to forgive that person, whether that person is alive or not. Forgiveness is an act of your will; to pardon someone for a
mistake or offense that was made.
Sobering article.