Don’t give to others what you haven’t given to your family first!
As women we are inclined to volunteer our time and talents to many organizations, people, places and things. We help out with the PTO at school; we lend a helping hand to our neighbors, our co-workers and even our friends. It is wonderful to help our neighbors and to give of our time to others.
The word “charity” means having goodwill towards man (people), helping someone in need, whether we are cooking for someone, helping them with a chore or spending time listening to them. These are all admirable. However, I believe that charity should begin at home. As women and especially as a wife and mother, our families should be the first to benefit from these acts of kindness.
- Reason number one: This is where our responsibilities lie. Family should come first, others second. I don’t say this in a negative way, but we should not be giving away something that our family first hasn’t benefited from.
- Reason number two: How else can we teach our children about charitable giving, if they themselves haven’t been the recipients of it and have not seen the process firsthand?
Here's a tip: The next time you make a special dish or bake something for someone, make one for your family also. This shows your love for them and allows them to release your kindness to others.
Yes charity begins at home, but it doesn't end there, it just starts there!
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