Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Yah!  I love the start of a new year.  It gives me pleasure knowing that I can start fresh again.  I can let go of the past and press toward the future. 

I am looking forward this to being the best year ever!  I already made a list of some of the personal and family goals I want to accomplish and have actually made stride toward them.  Attainable goals are what I am about.  No wish lists for me, no sir, those days are over.  

My dearest friend reminded me of the S.M.A.R.T goal principle while at breakfast this morning.  Whether you are single; or married, we should each strive to accomplish some goals every year of our lives. 

Do yourself a favor, Google smart goal principle for yourself and think of ways that will help enhance and prosper your life.  

Specific (make it personal, make it yours)
Measurable (you should be able to see your goals coming together)
Achievable (be realistic about your goal, make an effort toward it)
Realistic (don’t say I am going to travel the world, when you can only get to the nearest city)
Timed (there should be an end date) 

My dearest friend and I are planning a cruise in the next few years so we have started saving toward that: we have a plan, and a purpose; it is measurable because we can see how much it will cost, so we are saving toward it and it has an end date. 

This past year I started a blog and took a writing course at a local college, these were two specific goals that I had intended to accomplish and did.  Think about some things you have wanted to accomplish.  I plan on taking an art class this year.  I haven’t painted since high school.  Maybe you want to learn to speak another language—­go for it!  Visit your local library and rent materials that will help you, and it won’t cost you a dime. 

I wish you well and a Happy and S.M.A.R.T New Year!

Photo image courtesy of :  http://www.fotosearch.com/CSP785/k7850358/